The city of Avilés has a great historical and cultural heritage, highlighting the Museum of Urban History and the Niemeyer Center. Also popular are the Antroxu (carnival) parties, the Fiesta del Bollo and the Interceltic Festival of Avilés.
If you decide to travel to this city, from BCO you can book
rental cars in Avilés and visit places like the Church of Santo Tomás de Canterbury, the Ferrera Park, the Valdecarzana Palace, the Meanas Park, La Monstrua, the Caños de Rivero Fountain, La Foca Statue, the Cabeza de Caballo and Los Caños.
If you decide on our car rental service in Aviles to be able to go wherever you want when you want, keep in mind that on our website you can find the car that best suits your needs as we have a wide variety of vehicles: from cheap cars from 3 or 5 doors to convertible and luxury cars. In this city we work with Enterprise which is located at the address: Bus Station Parking, Av. De Los Telares S / N, 33400, near the
train station of Avilés. In addition, you can also book
rental cars at Asturias airport, which is located just 16 kilometers from the city.