Countries where you can find it Goldcar
Why book with Goldcar?
Our clients think that Goldcar prices are good
Most of the clients think that customer service received by Goldcar has been good.
Our clients think of Goldcar that the collection and return of the car is done quickly.
Our clients opinios show that the condition and cleanliness of Goldcar cars are good.
Customers are of the opinion that It is very easy to find the representative or desk of Goldcar
Based on our clients opinions, se can affirm that Goldcar meets the quality standars regarding the service offered for car rental.
- 22-03-2020Albert Van...
Positive:New cars, good prices
Negative:Waiting time at the airportdesk
- 04-02-2020Reding Marc...
Positive:Good prices and opening till 23:00
Negative:Long waiting time
- 29-01-2020Henri Hendric...
Positive:They speak differents languages